Wednesday, August 18, 2010

twenty-four hours in the red light district

on my way from london back to america, i made a brief, twenty-four hour trip to amsterdam, holland, and, more specifically, to its red light district. i strolled its streets, took some photos, and was even propositioned by a prostitute. the district's ladies-of-the-night rent out glass booths right on the street, and when you first enter the neighborhood, and spot one out of the corner of your eye, they look like scantily clad mannequins - until they start to move. and then you're like, "oh shit, that is a real-life person, a-waiting for the sex." it's very disconcerting.

i don't think i'd ever consider paying for that particular service, even if i was suffering a particularly long dry streak (mainly because i'm terrified of my penis getting a disease), but i almost considered going into the brothel, paying the madam, and just spending my time talking to the girl about life and love. i bet she'd have some crazy stories, and would have a lot of worldly wisdom to hand down. i didn't have enough money, though, so i kept walking.

the red light district has a lot more to offer your average tourist than emotionless sex, however, like legalized marijuana and the possibility of falling into a dirty canal. you'd think avoiding a relatively large body of water would be easy, but when your head's in the haze and you're busy taking photos, an accidental dip is a real possibility. thankfully i avoided that potential embarrassment, though just barely - the american equivalent, i believe, being running into a parked car.

i haven't been the best blogger as of late, and i will try to amend that with some posts soon. no promises though, because i am moving back to boulder on friday, and that whole process, naturally, will take up some time. but since i've been back stateside i've taken a roadtrip from minnesota to oklahoma (ten hours!), gone to the horse-races (and am going again tomorrow!), got a new camera (a 1978 canon a-1!), and went thrifting (clothes! and shoes!). all aforementioned events will constitute their own posts, in due time, just as soon as i finish uploading and editing the photos. 'til then, children.

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