Sunday, July 25, 2010

a pilgrimage to abbey road

turns out one of my best friends from back home, taylor, is traveling through france and england this week, and yesterday i was lucky enough to meet him in london. we explored the city for the afternoon, getting the most out of our discount subway passes, and then indulged in a little english night-life (but not too much).

we visited bookmarks, the bookstore of the socialist workers party, a good number of quaint pubs, and had a nice three-course curry dinner in little india, complete with kingfisher and cobra lager.

the highlight of our rendezvous, however, was a pilgrimage to abbey road and the studios where the beatles recorded their eleventh album. the famous crossing, immortalized on the front of the record, was filled with people taking photos, as you'd imagine, all in the single-file pose. it took us forever to have our photos taken crossing abbey road, but i'm glad we did. a cute french girl took our photo too, which made it even better.

taylor, by the way, is the bassist in an excellent metal band called "black acid devil." you can listen to them slay here .

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